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Do Adults Need to Be Vaccinated?


We already know that our children need to get vaccine shots for various harmful diseases which are prevalent among the younger generations. Despite this knowledge, we fail to appreciate the fact that immunizations and vaccinations could also save adults.

Unknown to many of us, getting vaccines is as important for us adults as they are to children. Because of our lack of idea, only a few get vaccinated even if professionals in the healthcare industry encourage us to take shots for harmful diseases like hepatitis A, human papillomavirus, measles, shingles, and tetanus.

To help us appreciate more how vaccines could help us, here are just a few of the perks we get for getting them:

  • We can’t afford to get sick.

    Isn’t 24 hours a day too short a time to complete all our tasks at work and at home? Don’t we usually ask for some more time so that we could finish all our responsibilities all throughout the day?

    Imagine, if we still get sick, we would end up with too many lags piled up on our desks while we are away. Every time we get sick, the whole household also suffers.

    So to get away from these accidental and unnecessary leaves from work and house chores, we should get vaccines for common diseases like flu and cough.

  • Past vaccine must have already stopped protecting us.

    The protection we get from some vaccines do not last a lifetime. The shots we got as a child might have already stopped its power to ward off certain diseases.

    Since not all vaccines would shield us from certain medical conditions, we should get vaccines for the same diseases if necessary or get a booster for the vaccines which only require such boosters. For instance, if we want to stay protected from tetanus, we have to get a booster for the Td or Tdap vaccine every 10 years after getting the shot to continue being protected.

  • It’s a way of protecting the people we love.

    Are you aware that you become a health risk to the people around you every single time you get ill?

    Whenever we suffer from an ailment, we pose a risk to the people around us. There are diseases which could easily be communicated to the people in our surroundings. With just a few droplets of our blood or water particles from sneezing, we could already cause our loved ones to get sick.

    Nevertheless, with the appropriate vaccines, we could get from medical supply stores, it would be easy to get away from these diseases and at the same time, keep our loved ones safe.

The vaccines that we need would depend on our age and lifestyle. Factors like our history of medical conditions and our travel plans would determine which vaccines we would need from a provider of pharmacy services and Medical Supplies in Brooklyn, New York.

So if you have already decided to get shots, give Welcare Pharmacy & Surgical a call at 718-599-7200. We offer immunization services.

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